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Modern Japanese clothes? 2006/1/24 12:32
I've read that in Japan they dress rather modern for the most part however I know there clothes have to be different. I've found many web sites about this but they all differ so I want a reference from someone whom has been to Japan. I'm also looking to purchase clothes like that (online) so any sites anyone can recommend?
by TheRage800  

. 2006/1/24 22:30
Yes, you are right. They dress very modern in Japan. At least in bigger cities. When I visited Japan a few months ago, I felt very underdressed, even though in my own country, I follow the latest trends..:)
Japanese women have very nice and feminime style, and the shops in Japan are absolutely wonderful.
I donLt think you have to do any shopping before coming there. You will find everything in Japan! Have fun!
by Mami rate this post as useful

... 2006/1/24 23:06
I'm not sure if I understand what you mean, but are you looking for reference like this?

I don't know any shopping sites for people overseas, but I think it's more of a matter of coordinating than shopping.

Have fun!
by Uco rate this post as useful

Reply 2006/1/25 04:56
That site that you posted, is that accurate to how they dress or is that more glamour fasion? If it is more common then thats exactly what I'm looking for except I want a site that sells stuff like that. But don't get me wrong, I'm not going to Japan (I want to though, and will some day)
by TheRage800 rate this post as useful

about the site 2006/1/25 11:51
As you can assume from their "About" section, I guess you can say that the site is aimed to introduce some "cool fashion among the common people" to the world.

I grew up in Tokyo and still live nearby, and if you go to those districts, you actually see a lot of people dressed like that. As you can see, Ginza is relatively conservative, and the fashion shown there can also be seen in most parts of Japan.

Of course needless to say, this is what they wear when they go to the city centers. If you walk around your neighborhood or go to resorts, it's more of a lame T-shirt and jeans style.

Sorry, I don't know where you can buy them, but if you can tell us which part of this planet you live in, perhaps people from your area can give you some hints.
by Uco rate this post as useful

OK 2006/1/25 13:26
Yeah, maybe that is a good idea... I live in the U.S. in Ohio.
by TheRage800 rate this post as useful

.. 2006/1/25 15:39
I'm not sure what the OP is asking?

Yes Japan is a very modern country, and people wear "modern" clothes.

On occasion for events and other items someone might wear a traditional kimono or other wear (ie, visiting onsen, wedding, special events), but on average people wear what you would find on any modern country, jeans, t-shirts, suits, tuxedeos, dresses etc etc.

The site shows glamour fashion as well, you know Tokyo is a center for international fashion, as much like Tokyo or Paris is.

by .. rate this post as useful

.. 2006/1/25 15:41
I meant to say much like New York or Paris.
by .. rate this post as useful

To by.. 2006/1/25 15:58
I think that TheRage800 is interested in wearing the "Japanese style of modern clothing", such as the kind you see on Paris Collection but designed by Japanese designers and a bit more on the practical side.
by Uco rate this post as useful

... 2006/1/25 16:01
Yes, but every countries fasion is still unique. They may where T-shirts and jeans but still I imagine that there t-shirts are diffrent than what is sold over here...
by TheRage800 rate this post as useful

.. 2006/1/26 06:00
A t-shirt is a t-shirt and jeans are jeans.

T-shirts may have different designs on them, but t-shirts all over the world have different writings or designs on them.

By different manufacturers yes, a japanese company might make the jeans here and Levis makes jeans over there. But in basic, t-shirts are t-shirts and jeans are jeans.
by ... rate this post as useful

. 2006/1/26 06:07
They may where T-shirts and jeans but still I imagine that there t-shirts are diffrent than what is sold over here...

If you ignore the whats written on the t-shirt, universally a t-shirt is a t-shirt, the design of a basic t-shirt doesn't shift much.

Now the items written or pictured on the t-shirt might be different, but obviously there are literally Millions of different writings, colors, pictures that have appeared on t-shirts all over the world. But thats whats on the t-shirt, not the basic t-shirt.

What i'm saying is the basic t-shirt is no different than whats sold here in the US or anywhere else in the world.
by tshirt rate this post as useful

Exactly 2006/1/26 06:10
But it's like you said, they have different designs... Thats what I'm looking for! But besides t-shirts I know there style is different because I have seen pictures of the cities where you can see everyday people. So all I am looking for is a site from a Japanese designer (written in English) that will ship world wide.
by TheRage800 rate this post as useful

it's not that hard 2006/1/26 15:13
clothes are clothes wherever you are in the world. when i was in japan, they had the same kind of clothing in the stores there as they do here in the us. you just have to have a sense of style and know how to mix and match things to get the look that you're trying to attain. peacoats, scarves, stockings, boots, hats, bags... all of that can be found in any mall. department stores, express, h&m, charlotte russe, etc are good places to look!
by christie rate this post as useful

coordination is the key 2006/1/26 19:32
I agree with Christie. Of course there are popular Japanese designers like Kansai, Kenzo, Yoji etc. who have shops worldwide. Since you live in the U.S. I'm sure you can hop into any major department store, inquire about these designers and they can tell you what to do. Mind you that designer brands are very expensive.

But the Japanese, or any stylish person on the planet don't necessarily buy domestic items. For example, Japanese people would wear a French brand shirt with American pants and carry Italian bags. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the items shown on the site I suggested are imported.

It's all about coordination.
by Uco rate this post as useful

UNICLO 2006/1/28 01:27
Have you tried uniclo its cheap and Japanese but not sure if its available in America... I understand what you mean about Japanese fashion though they really know how to dress! Its all about picking a fashion genre and really going to town! which takes a lot of time, effort and most importantly money!
by mini rate this post as useful

Japanese Streetwear 2006/2/23 09:28
Try http://stores.ebay.com/planet-walrus or go to ebay and find planet-walrus ebay store or seller name easterngypsy
by Louisa rate this post as useful

AsiaJam 2007/7/22 14:56
Try here! They have very nice clothing.

Or you could check ebay. This seller has a good amount of items that are nice as well.
by Mie rate this post as useful

Is this ok?.... 2007/11/1 15:05
Well, I don't really know THAT much about this subject...but I found this cool website and it has clothing brands from all over Asia.

by GrandKamakaze rate this post as useful

Thanks 2007/11/2 04:44
This thread is nearly a year old... BUT! That is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.
by TheRage800 rate this post as useful

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