
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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What does Akio name mean 2006/2/28 12:06
Anyone can explain what the name Akio means. Thank you very much...
by Tanaka  

.. 2006/3/3 04:29
How is it written in kanji?
by cc rate this post as useful

Akio 2006/3/3 05:28
I would think that it might have something to do with the color red...but then that really depends on the kanji doesn't it? If it is not too much trouble, I was wondering if I could get some different kanji for the name Keiichi. I know of one from the Ah Megami-sama comics, but I was wondering if there are other ones, and what they mean.
by Johnny5 rate this post as useful

akios meaning 2008/9/18 05:51
by kate rate this post as useful

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