Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Using -chan 2006/8/23 12:50
Well my question is about the usage of the nametag -chan. First...
If a guy begins to add -chan to my name, does that mean he is being friendly or is romantically interested in me? I also notice that Jguys tend to ask me before using -chan.

Is it okay for females to add -chan to a Jguy's name if NOT already in a relationship with him? If so would the Jguy view it as a sign of friendship or romance? Once I added -chan to a Jguy friend of mine and he had an odd reaction. I wasn't exactly sure of what he said (he said it in quick japanese) but I did catch in the end that it was alright to use. Anyway, any help here? :D
by Niko-chan  

... 2006/8/23 19:28
I think it's OK to assume that the guy is trying to be friendlier with you, at least it shows that he is trying to be a bit closer, but I would not necessarily take it as a sign of "romantic interest." It sounds one step closer, in a way (well it also depends on what they/he used to call you before that though), but also some girls/women might feel it a bit too sticky if called that way, so that's why some guys would ask.
As I stated in another thread, this "-chan" is a dimunitive name ending, so it's used *more* by guys to women. So... some guys *might* feel a bit belittled, or feel a bit embarrassed if he is not used to being called that (or the only people who have called him that way have been his parents, etc). So I would also ask either what his nickname among his friends is, or ask if it's OK to call him with "-chan" before calling him that, particularly if you are trying to show friendship to him, 'cause how friends feel about their own nicknames do matter :)
by AK rate this post as useful

chan 2006/8/24 14:22
"Is it okay for females to add -chan to a Jguy's name if NOT already in a relationship with him? If so would the Jguy view it as a sign of friendship or romance? Once I added -chan to a Jguy friend of mine and he had an odd reaction."

If you want to add a suffix to a guys name use kun, and never for women. Chan is used only for women, and occasionally by grandmothers to their young grandsons, so it is no wonder your guy friend reacted in a strange way. I mean im agine if your Japanese friend came up to you and said in a Jamaican way "hey bradda man." Or a friend came up to you and said "hello (your name) snookums"

The moral of the story is use kun or just his name.
by cy rate this post as useful

. 2006/8/24 14:51
Thanks you two! ^-^ I'll definately avoid using chan among my jguy friends. xD
by Niko-chan rate this post as useful

using -chan 2006/8/27 11:32
It is OK to use -chan when speaking to japanese guys. Actually I know a lot of guys who are called -chan rather than -kun. I think -kun is used more with younger guys. I once called a friend -kun and he answered that he was not in high school anymore - haha!

But I agree with another reply, nicknames are very personal to people, so it just depends on the individual really. I don't think that it necessarily means anything romantic, just that you want to be a close friend of theirs.

Hope that helps...
by caroline rate this post as useful

Example 2006/8/27 15:02
Chan is tricky.
My aunts call their youngest brother (my uncle) Shige-chan. His name is Shigeru. Even though he is my uncle, I call him Shige-chan because we all grew up together like brothers and sisters. I also call one of my aunts Aki-chan, it's been her nickname since she was a child.
My grandmother was called Kaa-chan at one point.
I also call some of my old childhood friends' name with 'chan', exactly what their names were then. That always put smile on their faces.
'Chan' I believe channels the affection among the family, friends or brothers and sisters leading to connotation, showing love (as we say in American English) without saying love word to it within the family or close net structure.

Kun is primary used to address boys in schools and mostly in elementary level though it is still used in middle and high schools but not as extensively it is used in Elementary school aged boys.

I believe kun and chan are not encouraged for the foreigners to use because the words are not used to address just any persons.

But I could not speak for the foreigners in Japan who may use these words among friends as Caroline mentioned above.

by cc rate this post as useful

use your ears 2006/8/27 16:40
I take my lead from other Japanese people and call my friends, male and female, what other people call them. That way you won't offend anyone.
by Sira rate this post as useful

it's place 2006/8/28 04:47
Good point Sira.
However if you are a visitor to our family you will not address my aunt Aki-chan nor my uncle Shige-chan, you would use 'san' to their names to address them.
by cc rate this post as useful

-chan for a members of a group 2006/8/29 01:47
I think -chan is not so much related to romance. Japanese boy will address girls with -chan, who are members of the same group (co-workers, previous co-workers, team, classmates etc.) If a girl uses -chan to address a boy, it might mean romantic or being close friendly.
by Liz rate this post as useful

-chan 2006/8/30 18:06
This is from Japan
Yur question is hard for me to answer, because I dont know situation
If you question,then it is simple and easy way to know the meaning
by Mick rate this post as useful

Using Chan 2008/9/13 08:53
its NOT romantic, i call my friends names with -Chan sometimes, and my bestest friend i call ONee-chan coz she's like a big sister to me, i call my friends with -cahn and they all know were not in any kind of romantic relation ship. (exept for my ex, he hangs with us and i still think he's hot)

but -Chan isnt romantic, i think it means you respect them or something.
by Gab-Chan rate this post as useful

chan 2008/9/13 15:19
No, chan isn't particularly respectful, it's very casual. My husband often adds chan to my name, but this isn't particularly romantic, it's just a suffix showing some kind of closeness or friendship towards the person. It could be considered to be similar to when English speaking people add the -y to the end of people's names- Bob becomes Bobby or Jennifer gets called Jenny for example.

It can also be a bit condescending, especially if used between men who aren't family members.

One of the more brash, outspoken men in the office I work at calls one of the more timid men in the office "Fujii-chan", but I get the idea Mr. Fujii would rather not be called "Fujii-chan".
by Sira rate this post as useful

using -chan 2008/10/9 03:53
I call my sisters and my friends -chan. I have a friend that's a guy that I call Kei-chan. He is one of my close friends. You can also use it for a boyfriend,little brother close relative ect... I also add -chan to my guy friends names if they are cute and little boy-ish. I also call my friends that are tomboys -kun but that is not really recommended unless they ask to be called -kun
by Hoshiko 13 rate this post as useful

Chan used for Guys 2009/8/16 10:36
I recently got back from a summer abroad program in Japan. It was one of those intensive Japanese language courses. Anyway, I have to say that I never heard -kun used at ALL when I was there. It was either -san, -chan, or nothing. But, I do have to add that I met a number of guys who go by -chan, and tell people that it is okay to speak with -chan. Daisuke became Dacchan. Most of the Japanese girls used -chan with me, but I think it has something to do with me being like 5'3" 125lbs, haha. I guess it's personal preference and who it is coming from. For me, when it comes from Japanese students it was fine, but it does kind of sound weird to come from another American guy that is in your class, haha!
by Nikku-chan! (guest) rate this post as useful

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