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Language school in Okinawa 2007/7/14 10:33
Can anyone recommend a Japanese language school in Okinawa? Preferably Naha? I tried to look online, but I didn't find many to choose from, not to say I wasn't looking over them.
by Looking  

... 2007/7/15 22:44
Those schools are listed as schools registered with Association for the Promotion of Japanese Language Education; while I do not know any of those places in person, I hope these names give you a starting point for your search:
by AK rate this post as useful

Thanks! 2007/7/16 00:50
Thank you so much for the links. This site is very useful!
by Looking rate this post as useful

Language schools 2007/8/20 19:48
The only two in Naha that answer any inquiries are ICLC and Nichia. I've been going to Nichia and am quite satisfied. ICLC goes slower and is more expensive. As you see, almost all students are from China, which makes it sorta interesting for a Westerner!
by Steve rate this post as useful

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