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English Unis for English Students? 2007/7/18 17:44
I've been looking around for different unis in Japan that offer classes taught in English, but that are applicable for students who's original schooling was in English. I had high hopes for ICU, but recently their application information states; ''Nationality and citizenship are not relevant, nor is the individualfs original schooling, which may not have been in English.''

This statement seems to be quite contradictory, so I would like to know if anyone here has, or knows someone who has, attended ICU even after having their original education taught in English.

Thanks in advance.
by Gokussj5okazu  

... 2007/7/22 21:14
I just checked ICU's website and read the original sentence. In my understanding, what the statement intends to say is

As long as your English level is high enough,
1)ICU doesn't care if you are Japanese or not
2)ICU doesn't care if you went to International School or Japanese School (outside of Japan)

by J Lady rate this post as useful

$$ 2007/7/23 11:39
How expensive is ICU?
by Arika rate this post as useful

ICU 2007/7/26 14:14
I go to ICU right now, however I originally go to UCLA. I used UCLA's eap program. (Education Abroad Program) so if you're at a UC check their EAP program, or if you're at another state school, check their programs. It's actually not that bad for a year, it's less than going to a school in the U.S
by Alex rate this post as useful

English Schools 2007/7/26 17:36
ICU is a very selective university and it is rather hard to get in. I have really ood grades and reccomendations but I was rejected from there.There are two other universities i know about there is Temple University Japan Campus (a campus of Temple in PA.). I go to that one without financial aid it costs around $6000 USD. the other university is Ritsumeikan Asian Pacific University which is in Beppu. I dont know how much it costs to go there though.
by Koo rate this post as useful

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