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moving to yokosuka 2004/1/13 02:17
Well my husband just recieved orders to yokosuka so my husband, myself and our two kids are moving to yoko this june. I wanted to know how different it is there from here in the states. Is it hard to find an aprtment out in town? Do they have american tv programs? you know the basics we enjoy here. Let me know. Thanks a bunch!:)
by micaela  

Welcome to my Prefecture of Kanagawa 2004/1/13 11:15
First of all, since you say "orders" I wonder if your husband is stationed to a military base. If so, you are likely to benefit on all the American life that the base offers to its men and families. You may even have a chance to live in a completely American style house and buy American goods that only the military people can get.

Secondly, even if you're not a military person, if you are already offered a job, the employer is likely to offer you useful information and benefits, and perhaps find good housing for you.

In any case, you should best ask his employee.

Otherwise, an ordinary Japanese household can get radio broadcast that the U.S. bases offer, and there are bilingual Japanese news and imported American shows on TV. If you live in a district with cable TV, you can get Cartoon Network and all the other goodies too.

Also, this is the official site of Yokosuka City. http://www.city.yokosuka.kanagawa.jp/e/index.html

Btw, June is the rainy season. If you're from somewhere like sunny L.A., don't be surprised and don't be too discouraged by the humid summer. As a Japanese resident, I hope you and your family can enjoy life with the locals and get the most out of our society which hopefully you will learn to love.
by Uco rate this post as useful

If he is stationed there... 2004/1/14 02:32
by the military, PLEASE go off the base every once in awhile to see the sights and enjoy Japan.

My husband has a cousin who was stationed there with her daughters. However, she only left the base to go out clubbing. Otherwise, she pretty much led a completely "American" life there on base, and yes, she could get all the U.S. tv she wanted.

So many people who are stationed in Japan do this! It's so disappointing to hear that they didn't take the time to see any sights, and more so, make Japanese acquaintances and friends.

We're all rooting for you to make the most of your stay in Japan!
by kyarinchan rate this post as useful

typo 2004/1/14 02:38
"In any case, you should best ask his employee."

I'm sure you realised but I meant "employer"
by Uco rate this post as useful

hey we are going to Yokosuka too! 2004/5/22 15:55
Hi my husband has orders for March 05. We also have 2 children and nerves. Maybe we can get together and share emails until we get over there.
by michelle rate this post as useful

moving to Japan 2004/6/14 11:19
My Hubby has orders too! For Jan/Feb 2005 Any info about pets?
by Angie rate this post as useful

Angie 2004/6/14 16:52
What exactly would you like to know about pets? If you're going to live inside a military base, you should ask the military because they have their own rules. If you're living outside the base, feel free to come back with specific questions.
by Uco rate this post as useful

gaijin unite! lol 2004/6/19 23:28
Hello! i am also in the navy and getting stationed in Yokosuka around march/april of 2005. im trying to research now to be as prepared as possible when my wife(21) and i(25) move there. i have wanted to live in japan most of my life and now i finally can! im also very interested in car life there, so i have been trying to find contacts there for touge and drift, and buying cars for myself and wife.

we are hoping to find a somewhat american style house off base somewhere in the area. not sure what the rent is like for a place that large. the navy provides OHA (Overseas Housing Allowance) so i think i should be able to afford a decent place.
cartoon network, you say?! thank god!! i cant live wihtout my cartoon network and i am also thrilled to see japanese programs on television also! i have loved anime since i was a young boy and i am really excited to experience all things japan has to offer! yes i think exchanging emails would be great and maybe get together once we are all finally out there so we may all be gaijin together! haha! goodluck to you all.

Chris Rea
by Gaijin Hashiriya rate this post as useful

deregulation 2004/6/20 00:20
Recently Japanese car manufacturers decided to abolish their in-house power regulation, that is, companies could only produce their car with 280 hoursepower in Japan now.
In priciple at least, they cannot produce high-powered cars, but in reality there're a lot of cars with more than 280 hoursepower like SUBARU Impreza, Nissan Skyline, Toyota Supra and so on.
They say that Japanese companies will launch high-powered cars soon.
There're a lot of car tuning companies, so it might be an idea to build up your own car after buying used cars.
You can listen to an American radio program "car talk" in AFN. As far as I know, nobody from Japan have been on the program, so I hope that you'll be the first American showing up in the program from Japan.
by pacman rate this post as useful

Orders to Yokosuka 2004/7/10 17:15
We've got orders to Yokosuka for November 2004. The wait list for housing is currently 1-3 months, but that could change. A 3 bedroom house or apt on the economy runs about 1600 a month with a 4 month rent deposit. American cordless phones are not allowed from what I read. Anyone know for sure? I need to know what kind of telephone service to expect; can I have a cell phone with English speaking operators and are there decent rates to call the states? And is it true that digital clocks run so slow that they are useless for telling time?
by Dana M Cain rate this post as useful

RE: Phones & clocks 2004/7/13 15:11
Regarding Dana's questions about phones and clocks:

I'm not an expert, but I believe the problem with cordless U.S. phones vs Japanese phones, is that the frequency is different and U.S. phones might interfere with some emergency services here in Japan. You can buy standard and cordless phones here in Japan reasonably.

If you live off-base in Japan you will need to buy a phone line, but check your base newspaper classified online, The Seahawk, through the link I'm posting below where prices seem to be lower than you will find at the phone company, NTT. It's legal to "buy" a phone line from a private person selling, but go with them to the phone office for the transfer to make sure the line is free of any charges the seller might owe.

Yes, any American appliance with a digital clock (microwave, coffeemaker, etc.) won't keep accurate time and might work a bit slower or less efficient. You can buy a transformer that will help, and some newer appliances have a 50/60 switch on the back you can set for the currency here.

Yes, you can get a cellphone here in Japan much cheaper than the U.S., in fact. They can all be set to have English functions, but I've never had need for an "English" operator. Mine came with English instructions, and I've never had a problem. Cheap calling plans to the States and elsewhere abound, and you can use cheap call-back services too. Here's one to check:


Here is your Yokosuka Navy Base site for more information and a link to their newspaper, The Seahawk:

by Travlin' Tess rate this post as useful

we're getting based there too 2004/8/24 00:33
My husband is navy also, We've got orders for October 2004, a little more than a month away! I've got all the same questions you do,a bout housing and electronics and such. The base website and our local Fleet and Family Support have been helping alot. But nerves are in no short supply in my house!
by Jennifer rate this post as useful

Things to do... 2004/9/1 05:07
I'm not exactly moving to Yoko, but I thought some of y'all would know the answer to my question... I'm headed to Japan this weekend to visit my fiance who is stationed there in Yoko. However, his ship's schedule has changed (no surprise), and they will be out for training 2 of the days that I am there. Does anyone have any ideas of things to do in the area while he's gone those 2 days? I've never been to Japan before, so I'm excited to see anything and everything there!
by Jackie rate this post as useful

need help looking for apts.. 2004/9/1 14:39
I am also going to Yoko. Just found out yesterday. WOOT! Anyway- if anyone out there could point me to some websites for apartments I would greatly appreciate it. I have also heard not to bring my ''American'' furniture over there with me. Anyone know the policy for single people living off base? I'm an E-6- going to a squadron out there. Any info you guys can give me is very very appreciated. My e-mail is polish_1@cox.net. if someone can help me get started I would really appreciate it. Thanx in advance.
by Anthony rate this post as useful

Jennifer 2004/9/17 10:36
Maybe we can hook up when i get there. Please email me when you get settled and let me know how it's going. I will need a contact when I get there; someone to show me the ropes! I was a nervous wreck about going, but I'm starting to get excited. I want to get my certification for massage therapy while I'm there. Anyone with info about massage therapy schools please let me know...my email is skipndana@wavecable.com
by Dana rate this post as useful

Housing in Japan 2004/10/4 18:55
Hello, I was stationed in Yoko for 3 years from 2000- 2003 and will be heading back in the really near future. I dont think it is very difficult to find a place to live there. All you need to do is go to the base housing office near the Navy Lodge and speak with them. They have a lot of houses in a catalog that you can choose from. Or you can go outside the gate to one of the real estate agents. I believe there are 4 close to base. They have houses and apartments but they both are much smaller than any american home. So be ready to adjust. Most places also have the toilet and shower seperated. As for TV programs in English....Thats a different story. The only way you can get english programing is by getting either a satellite or going to the NEX and picking one up from there that will send all the base TV programing to your house.
by Rob rate this post as useful

Info on pets in Japan 2004/10/4 19:07
I saw that question about pets. Well, if you live on base you are limited to 2 "four legged" pets. They are not allowed in the high rise towers so that means if you are trying to get base housing your waiting time will probably be longer. They will put you on a waiting list but it will be on the basis of availibility "or however you spell that" first, which means if a tower comes up first they will offer it to you. But since you have pets you will probably turn it down and have to wait on a house which could be the whole time that you are in Japan. As for out in town... Most landlords do not want to rent to pet owners, but there are some that will. You can expect to pay a larger deposit and possible larger rent. Now that all that is said getting the pet into the country is another story. Usually its not too difficult as long as you have the correct paper work. I know what all is need for dogs but Im not sure for cats. Dogs have to have had their rabies shot no more than a year and no less than 30 days. If you have the certificate there shouldnt be much problem they will have you take the dog to the vet on base and have it checked out and then home quarantine it for certain amount of time and then back to the vet to check up on it. Now if you arrife at narita on a holiday or off duty hours it will be more difficult. They will probably hold the dog until their staff comes in the next morning and charge you.
by Rob rate this post as useful

Taking my car with me, daycare 2004/10/18 04:12
Do I have to pay to take my car with me and if there anything i have to have special to put on the car. My husband also so have order to Yokosuma Japan Jan. 5,04. We going to leave early around Dec 18. I have to kids and I also want to transfer to the Wal-mart there. So where is the nearest Wal-Mart that closer to base. And do anyone know any good babysitter on the base? Can me and my husband leave the same time or do he have to go 1st and then we come?
by Mary Valentin rate this post as useful

Just a question for Gaijin Hashiriya. 2004/10/28 06:06
Hey, I am leaving for Basic Training in 6 days from today. And I was wondering how hard is the Navy Boot Camp? Other than that, I am going to try my hardest to go to Yokosuka, Japan. Will I get offered to go there or will it all be random?
by Wayne rate this post as useful

Boot Camp 2004/11/3 18:06
You should be able to put a request in for what you want to do and where you would like to be stationed after boot camp. This all depends on how well you do during your training, of course.

Good luck!
by Max rate this post as useful

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