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Overseas calls from Japan, how much? 2007/8/10 22:32
I had been talking to my friend from japan everynight. He had been calling my mobile. I just checked from my service provider that its free for me to receive overseas calls. However, im kinda worried on the Japan side...He lives in tokyo, we chat for 1-2hrs daily.

Will it be very expensive for my friend in japan to call to singapore? Anyone know what are the charges? My friend doesnt seem to be concern over the bill...but i guess it may be better for me to find out~

thanks thanks!
by Xindy  

... 2007/8/11 07:37
Xindy, it depends on what kinds of service your friend uses. My guess is she/he uses an internet phone Skype. With its optional service (SkypeOut), you can make a call at greatly discounted rates.

For example, 1 minute call to landline in Singapore is 0.021 USD/m (excluding VAT) plus connection fee of 0.039 USD. (call to mobile is higher than this rate)

It's not a bad idea to ask if she/he uses this service. If both of you use Skype, then calls between you will be basically free of charge.
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