Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Note that this thread has not been updated in a long time, and its content might not be up-to-date anymore.

Computer 2007/8/16 08:52
I was wondering that if I bought a computer in Japan will it have a keyboard in japanese? And all the settings in japanese? If so is it possible to buy an english computer and still be fully compatible with the japanese broadband [if that's what it's called over there :/]

Plus is the "Electric Town" in Tokyo as good as it looks?
by OgreMill  

Japanese PCs 2007/8/16 10:29

I was wondering that if I bought a computer in Japan will it have a keyboard in japanese? And all the settings in japanese?

Yes, unless you buy a PC with English OS and keyboard from one of the more specialist shops in Akihabara or elsewhere in Tokyo.

If so is it possible to buy an english computer and still be fully compatible with the japanese broadband [if that's what it's called over there :/]


Plus is the "Electric Town" in Tokyo as good as it looks?

Good for what?
by Dave in Saitama rate this post as useful

. 2007/8/16 10:43
Japanese keyboards have lettering on them as a standard:

The internet is the internet no matter where you go in the world, a cat5 Ethernet input is the same in Japan as it is in India, Canada or Australia.
by John rate this post as useful

. 2007/8/16 10:44
When i say the internet is the same I mean the means of input and connection, not to what content is accessible via the internet.
by John rate this post as useful

Electric Town 2007/8/16 11:09
I was just wondering if it's true that you can get electrical goods for a fraction of the regualr price.
by OgreMill rate this post as useful

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