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accommodation in near Takayama 2007/8/18 20:01
Hi Everybody

I planning to go Takayama during Takayama Festival in Oct07. Below as my schedule.


.... stay at Kanazawa'hostel


Early moring get the bus from Kanazawa to Shirakawa, then leave Shirakawa around 16:00,arrival at Takayama around 17:40 by bus.
Stay at Takayama' accomodation.

To see the Takayama Festival till to evening, leaving Takayama go to Nagoya by train.

My problem is that I tried to make reservation but all nice accommodations are fully booked in 9Oct.

Would someone please give me any suggestion in anywhere /accommodations near Takayama possible to staying at night?

It's tigh to find out an accommodation during festival.

Appreciate for your suggestion. ^--^


by mc  

... 2007/8/21 11:13
Central Takayama is probably booked out by now. Only if you are very lucky, you might find something now.

I would try to look for something in nearby Furukawa:
by Uji rate this post as useful

. 2007/8/21 18:15
This website helped me a lot. Try it if you didnt already.
Good luck
by barcafana rate this post as useful

Internet cafe 2007/8/21 22:55
There's a 24 hour internet cafe less than 2 km west of the train station. I stayed there during this year's festival in April. Of course if you want a bed it may not be for you.
by Lucas rate this post as useful

Accomodation at Takayama 2007/8/21 23:08

I juz came back from Takayama last week. It's a really beautiful place!!! U've made the right choice!
Regarding your accomodation, you may wish to check with the Hida Tourist Office at the following email address
Just let them know your requirements and they'll help u with the reservation.
Hope this helps.
Good luck ^.^
by Jeulmin rate this post as useful

Thanks.... 2007/8/21 23:51
Thanks everyone.

It is fortunate or not that I have booked the accommodation in Furukawa and got reply from them. I am not sure the reservation is confirmed as they just told me the restaurant's close time. And then I sent a mail to them asking for booking nos, but I have not yet received their reply....a bit worry about that.

I have a question that anyone knows what's schedule time for the Takayama Festival, it seems there are three rounds per days, and starting time 9:00 or 9:30 on morning.



by mc rate this post as useful

Takayama festival schedule 2007/8/22 09:41
I'm looking at the schedule for the spring festival in takayama, that I brought home with me. The festivals are very much alike, if I remember correctly; I've been to both. The main difference is the location for where the floats park, and the puppet show, and then the parade route. The substance is much the same. My schedule says that on the first day the yatai, floats, can be viewed from 9:30 until 16:00. There is a parade of various groups, shrines, and a few yatai from 13:00 to 16:00. The puppet shows are two times, 11:00 to 11:50 and 15:00 to 15:50. then the Evening parade is from 18:30 to 21:00. The float viewing area becomes pretty crowded at times, and the puppet show is PACKED. Go early to stake a claim to a spot from which you can see, if you want a good view.
The second day, again the same time for floats viewing, then puppet shows at 10:00 - 10:50 and again 14:00 to 14:50. The day parade is from 12:30 to 16:00.
For the night parade, if you don't particularly care about the lion dances, it's easy to find a convenient spot to watch from. The crowded places are where they perform the lion dances.
The schedule for the event is readily available in brochures (in Japanese) all over town during the festival. It's not that hard to figure out from the pictures & all. The Rickshaw Inn, when we stayed there, provided us a copy of the map with the schedule in English. You might be able to talk them into providing you one, though it was very basic and in the end not all that helpful.
I like the fall festival better. I hope you enjoy it.
by Spendthrift rate this post as useful

... 2007/8/22 16:53
The rough schedule is explained here:
by Uji rate this post as useful

Thanks Uji, Spendthrift.... 2007/8/22 22:41
Specially thanks for Spendthrift's precious information.....

By the way, I got reservation confirmation from the hotel in Furukawa today.

Thank you everybody again.

by mc rate this post as useful

... 2007/8/23 08:32
May I ask which hotel in Furukawa still had vacancies? Feel free not to answer if you consider it private information.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Uji..... 2007/8/23 22:40
It might be high rate of accommodation... over my budget... so I have to reduce the cost on other side.

pls check it out

by mc rate this post as useful

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