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Customs declaration 2007/8/18 23:08
A while ago I stumbled upon info where you are allowed only about 50g of perfume otherwise you need to declare it at customs. I was wondering if bringing several fragrances in the 20cm x 20cm LAG (liquid, aerosol,gel) bag would mean I have to declare it or not?
by Fredd  

... 2007/8/21 15:18
According to the customs office, you're allowed to bring in 2 ounces (1 ounce = 28 ml) of perfume without tariff.
by J Lady rate this post as useful

... 2007/8/21 15:32
My understanding so far has been that this "perfume" is in its condensed (undiluted) form, meaning, this does not include eau de toilette, eau de cologne, or eau de parfum. I've had no trouble (or hesitation) traveling with small half-used bottles of eau de toilette or eau de parfum for my personal use.

Actually, the Japanese language site mention that "this (two ounce) does not include eau de cologne or eau de toilette." So unless you have several unopened new bottles of undiluted perfumes (for gift, etc.), it should be OK. Correct me if I'm wrong...
by AK rate this post as useful

It depends 2007/8/21 16:31
This also depends on what country you are returning to. If you are coming into the UK from a country outside the EU, you can bring back 60cc of perfume and 250cc of eau de toilette without having to declare it at customs. By 'perfume', I have been told by a friend this refers to 'eau de parfum', as well as any pure perfume oil... though why you'd bring that back unless you are a perfume maker I don't know.

If you wish to buy more, it could be a good idea to wrap it securely and mail it to your home address, declaring it on the customs form as a gift.
by Kelly rate this post as useful

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