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Tokyo Itinerary Advice 2007/8/20 19:57

I will staying in Tokyo (Based in Sendagaya) for 29 days

I am working on an itinerary, any feedback/suggestions would be very much appreciated:

-- 20 Days Tokyo -

Studio Ghibli
Tsukiji Fish Market
Imperial Palace
Tokyo Dome City - Watch a baseball game
Amusement Machine Show sept 14th
Ikebukuro and Northern Tokyo
Yebisu Garden Place
Ryogoku -Watch the sumo

--2 Day Odakyu Pass (Different From JR Pass?)--
Fuji Five Lakes

--7 Days travelling aorund on JR Rail Pass--

Kamakura - for annual shrine festival
Tokyo airport

by Adam  

... 2007/8/22 10:47
2 Day Odakyu Pass (Different From JR Pass?)--
Fuji Five Lakes

You must be mistaking Hakodate with Hakone! More about the Fuji Hakone Pass:
by Uji rate this post as useful

tokyo visit 2007/8/22 11:18
well i think you are over doing it. a few sights can be done in a day iwould hardly think hanging around some places more than 2hrs with out getting bored' is worth a full day truth is 5 days in tokyo is to long. good luck
by bigbob rate this post as useful

Tokyo 2007/8/22 12:02
I don't agree that 5 days in Tokyo is too long. I spent around 6 days there and didn't see all I wanted. It depends on the individual I suppose. If you enjoy modern japanese culture, I would recommend 5 days+. I also used the time in Tokyo to relax a bit after 7 days constantly on the move with my JR pass!
by relik rate this post as useful

Tokyo sights 2007/8/22 14:46
Both Relik and Big Bob are right: one can spend 6 days plus very easily in Tokyo but spending a whole day in Shinjuku, another in Ebisu garden place, etc. is sheer overkill! I am very interested in buildings (architectural style, design details, signs etc.) but not everyday in every area!. perhaps Adam doesn't realize that the interesting bits in each area are relatively limited and that several areas have the same stores, cafes etc.? 20 days is definitely too much!.
by Plantagenesta rate this post as useful

... 2007/8/22 17:51
I recommend you to do some areas on one day. For exemple: Fish Market (go very early) and Ginza which is nearby.
Kamakura is also a very good day-trip from Tokyo. For the Ghibli museum you need almost a day, because it will take some time to get there. You need to buy a ticket in advance
go to, enter and ticket information.
Kyoto is interesting enough to stay for a couple of days.
by SB rate this post as useful

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