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Get to Mt Fuji from Hakone? 2007/8/21 21:55
Hi - we're staying in Hakone for 3 days and wanted advice on what to do. I dont want to book a tour from the UK as i'm sure we can find our way up Fuji etc when we're out there - or am I unrealistic? How easy is it to get to Mt Fuji and what other key things can we do in and around the Hakone area for 3 days? thanks! Also any advice on what to do in Takayama for 3 days - is it worth extending to 4 days to catch the Autumn festival or will we be bored for that long?? Thanks!!
by Lu  

... 2007/8/22 17:07
How to get from Hakone to the Fuji Five Lakes at the base of Mount Fuji (is that where you want to go when refering to "Mt Fuji"?):

we're staying in Hakone for 3 days and wanted advice on what to do.

Some ideas:

Also any advice on what to do in Takayama for 3 days

Here you go:

is it worth extending to 4 days to catch the Autumn festival or will we be bored for that long??

Three days is enough time to see Takayama in detail. But if you could still find a hotel room for the festival, it would be worth extending your stay for the festival.
by Uji rate this post as useful

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