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Maps of Shibuya 2007/8/22 17:08
Anyone knows where i can obtain detail maps of shibuya? Where I can know where are the etc.. I looked at travel books but its not giving me the info that I want.
by Xindy  

... 2007/8/22 22:45
by J Lady rate this post as useful

Interactive stand at Hachiko exit 2007/8/23 00:18
There is a 4-lingual map, incl English, big touchscreen, installed near Hachiko exit, close to the big crossroad. Look around, it's easy to notice. Zoomable, clickable, usable, major points of interest listed thee, like museums, cinemas, etc - just come and see. Not sure about bars/clubs, but other stuff is reasonably detailed.
by Serge rate this post as useful

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