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Kyoto Internet access... 2007/8/22 18:09
In Tokyo there were branches of Kinko's in each area, so internet access was easy and convenient. Is there any equivilent in Kyoto? Id like to know before I visit where good places are. Ill be staying in central Kyoto.

Also, are there any established places where friends arrange to meet in Kyoto? Im meant to be meeting my penpal there and I wanted to pick an easy to find, clear place to meet. Id hate to go to the wrong place!
by Dave  

... 2007/8/22 19:17
Kinko seems to have only one location in Kyoto, near the intersection of Shijo and Karasuma:
by Uji rate this post as useful

Use McDonalds at Kyoto Station 2007/8/23 00:11
They have free wireless Internet access, reasonably fast. Standard Wi-Fi, no password required. 1st floor, the site opposite to Kyoto Tower. If you have laptop with WiFi, just go there, buy some juice and sit 30 minutes, no other expenses. Otherwise - International tourusts support center, 9th floor, the same station. Not free, but have printer, 3 (5?) computers and frienfly English speaking stuff. One more place at Keage station, International Community House. the same as 9th floor. Should be enough for minor user.
by Serge rate this post as useful

Kyoto i-access 2007/8/23 02:32
There's a place called "Popeye Media Cafe" on Kawaramachi Sanjo right next to the Kyoto Royal Hotel. You take some stairs right off the street down to the basement. Pretty big place with stressless recliners and free refreshments. Clean and nice. There are different price levels to choose from. I was there last November so hope it's still there.
by kawa rate this post as useful

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