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Kyoto - FujiSan, shortest/fastest path 2007/8/23 00:05
Hi all,
I apologize in advance if the same has been asked before. I didn't find my question here, so plz kick me to the proper page if you know one.
I am seeking some help to find the fastest path to climb Fuji next weekend (1-2 Sep, 2 days). We are two, me and my wife. She can't take long walks, so the shorter is the better. I see it as going from Kyoto (we live here) Friday evening by some night bus to Kawaguchiko, sleep there somewhere in daytime, then start around 11pm and get to summit by sunrize, return the same way. Wy up should take about 7-8 hours, but can it be faster if starting from the same place? Say, is tehre any transport 1-2 Sep to 8th station, or can we split it in two parts - during the daytime get to some hat, sleep there till 1 night, start 2nd part. Anyone can help to refine this plan?
Main questions are:
- What is the name of ''sleeping station'' closest to summit and reacheable from Kawaguchiko?
- Any transport to there from the town?
- Any guide, map, pointers to there (I mean, to the hat), to not to get lost ?
- Any reservation for this hat is required/possible? (phone number will be enough, we speak a bit of Japanese - ~~3-kyu).
Thanks in advance.
by Serge  

... 2007/8/23 08:47
She can't take long walks, so the shorter is the better.

Then, climbing Mount Fuji, is certainly not a good idea!

There are some horses that can be ridden, but I think they only go from the 5th to the 6th Station. I don't think there is an alternative to walking beyond the 6th Station.

- What is the name of ''sleeping station'' closest to summit and reacheable from Kawaguchiko?

A list of mountain huts can be found here. The highest are around the 8th Station:

Any transport to there from the town?

Buses and cars go as far as the 5th Station. Horses to the 6th Station.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Thanks, we'll make the best use of it! 2007/8/23 14:10
Thank you Uji, you're the best, as usual ;-)
I have checked the page you referred, called the International House number (they even have native American speaker there!), understood all (climbing map is very helpful!) and arranged almost everything. We'll get to 5th station by afternoon (zannen, all direct buses from Kyoto are booked off...) and see if we can get farther than to 6th station.
I'll update here after Sep 2nd.
by Serge rate this post as useful

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