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How to get internet at my apartment 2007/8/29 15:33
I was trying to find out the easiest way to get an internet connection at my apartment. I'm basically on my own for this, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
by Bob  

... 2007/8/29 17:12
Your options depend on where you live and whether or not you already have a phone line.

Without knowing your situation your options are adsl (ntt flets, yahoo bb), optical (ntt hikari), cable, cell network based, satellite, and dial-up. Basically every technology out there except wimax.

also, some sites such as yahoobb have english sign-up pages, or you might try a service such as this one: http://www.bbapply.com/ that the internet providers hire to help foreigners set up their broadband.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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