
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Help finding pharmacy item in Japan 2007/9/1 16:44
I'm in Yokohama and I am trying to explain to pharmacist that I want glycerin suppositories (for constipation).
I can only get liquid glycerin enema bulbs and I can't explain what I want.
If someone could phonetically spell out what to say to get glycerin suppositories (like Fleet), I'd really appreciate it.
I apologize for such a silly question, but it would be really helpful.

Also, if you know what medicine is the Japanese analog of colace, I'd appreciate that too.


by louise  

... 2007/9/1 23:19
I found the picture of Fleet and I suggest you to print it out and show it to the pharmacist.
Glycerin Suppositories is グリセリン座薬(gu-ri-se-ri-n za-ya-ku) in Japanese Though personally I've never seen it at drug stores, I could be wrong.

As for stool softner, this drug may be similar to what you mentioned. (it uses magnesium to soften stool while colace uses docusate sodium) Most other anti-constipation drugs in Japan are designed to give stimula to nerves and accelerate bowel movement.

Hope it will help...
by JLady rate this post as useful

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