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Did early yakuza wear geta? 2007/9/14 10:06
I'm painting a tiny figurine of some random character from feudal Japan. I'm also making a conversion to add a tiny pair of geta to his feet. I'd also like to paint some horimono on his chest & legs, but I'd like to verify with those who are better versed than myself: is this plausible? I see no reason why not, but please, tell what you think...
by Jakku  

why not 2007/9/17 18:42
Of course, it's plausible considering the fact that in feudal times, not only yakuza but everyone wore geta or zori with kimono.
by hibotan rate this post as useful

Thanks! 2007/9/19 06:52
I thought as much, but wanted to insure against someone down the road laughing at the idea. It wouldn't have been the first time I overlooked some small detail of Japanese history & culture. Thanks for the affirmation, Hitoban!
by Jakku rate this post as useful

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