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What are English schools looking for? 2007/9/20 17:01
Finding work in Japan!!
How many people got out of the service and tried to find work in Japan? How many had an easy time finding work? And, who did not? What is the key of finding work in Japan besides language?

by David  

. 2007/9/21 12:42
I'm a bit confused are you asking whats the key to english language schools or jobs in General. Regular old language schools like NOVA just want you have speak english and have the appropriate degree or other requirements so you can get a visa.

Other jobs that are non english teaching jobs (not all ways, but most times) especially for Japanese companies, requires you to know how to speak, read and write Japanese at a high level, and they key is to have either a lot of education or skills that an employer will see you have that someone else in the application pool in Japan doesn't necessarily have. (speaking in non english speaking jobs)
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