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5-yen on cell phone strap/charm? 2007/9/25 21:52
I heard that if you put a 5 yen (Œά‰~) coin on your cell phone strap, it means you're in a relationship. Is this true? I thought it was just for luck.
by Miko  

,,, 2007/9/26 18:10
Œά‰~(goen)is reminded of ‚²‰igoen), for they are same sound

‚²‰ means
polite + relationship (in jpn)
by im rate this post as useful

partly right, partly wrong 2007/9/28 12:09
5 yen (go-en) can literally mean ''relationship'', but, I think, attaching 5 yen coin to your cell phone (or to whatever) doesn't mean you're in a relationship.
But, rather it means, as you said, ''luch for a good relationship''. But, again, it does not necessarily mean you are looking for a partner. It is just for a luck for opportunitieis to meet new people and even to find new things.
by S rate this post as useful

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