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How can I get big eyes? 2007/10/2 11:28
I love how japanese girls do thier makeup. I love the rosy cheeks and super big eyes. I want to know what I could use to get those long lashes and how to put on eyeliner. On the top lash line and in the lower part too. Its really hard for me.
by cynthia  

big eye secrets 2007/11/11 21:31
The girls you see in magazines wear special contacts to make the eyes look bigger, have semi-permanent fake lashes glued onto their real lashes, sometimes put more fakes over that, and use a lot of mascara and eyeliner. If you can order magazines like Egg and Ageha, they often have makeup and fake lash tutorials. If not, just google it!
by Kate rate this post as useful

contact lenses and long lashes 2007/11/12 10:01
In fact, a lot of Japanese teenagers wear those special contact lenses to make their eyes look bigger or to turn them into different colors. However, a recent scientific report says that this may critically affect your eye-sight. Btw, Lancome sells mascara that makes lashes extra long. It is one of the leading mascaras in Japan.
by Uco rate this post as useful

meh 2007/11/12 19:17
A lot of young japanese girls use those stickers on their eyelids that create the effect of a deeper crease above their eyes. I think you can get them in beauty type shops. They don't sound too comfortable to me, but one of my Japanese friends uses them all the time and the effect is very pretty - wide open eyes. I guess you just have to try not to blink to hard, and remember to take them off before you go to sleep lol
by furan rate this post as useful

Fake eyelashes 2008/2/8 07:47
I've heard of the tape thing that's sold mainly in Asia that creates a double eyelid.

Personally though, I think that the fake eyelashes work way better. More comfortable too.

Just get some fake eyelashes, use the adhesive to glue them on, and use an eyelash curler. But remember to apply eyeliner first.
by Mitchn rate this post as useful

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