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My visa application to Japan was denied 2007/10/2 11:30
Hi there! I hope someone can help me out here. I am a Filipina and I have a sister who is permanently living in Japan. I was invited to visit her some time last year and so she provided a complete set of documents required for visa application. She is shouldering all the expenses and the accomodation. The problem was my application was denied for unknown reason, as the consular wont disclose the reason. Please help me to get there. Thanks!
by valerie  

visa 2007/10/2 20:55
The consulate and Japan Immigration are the ones who decide who can and can't come to Japan- how could we help you?
by Sira rate this post as useful

... 2007/10/2 23:39
Do you have a good job that would attract you back to the Philippines? Do you have sufficient money to prove that you can support yourself during your stay in Japan in case your sister fail to support you?
If the answers are No, then Logical thinking of your visa refusal is that it is possible you would overstay as a visitor or apply for change of status after arrival which the Japanese immigration authority won't like to see.
by TW rate this post as useful

... 2007/10/3 15:42
Visa requests are sometimes simply denied because of missing documents and incompletely or wrongly filled out forms. I find it strange that they refuse to give you a reason. Maybe "visiting relatives" is a common way of other people from the Philippines to enter Japan to become illegal immigrants...
by Uji rate this post as useful

Denied visa 2007/10/3 15:54
I agree with Uji, I find it strange too that no reason is given especially since we have already seen a couple of times in this forum that visa were denied indeed due to missing documents or mistakes in the filled in form. I would recommend Valerie to go through the form once again to make sure everything is filled in correctly and make sure that you supply all the required documents and submit it again.
by Kappa rate this post as useful

No money, 2007/10/8 05:09
My Japanese friends tell me that they are getting a lot of illegal immigrants from all over Asia, including the Phillipines, You said your sister is going to be paying for everything which makes you sound poor. Immigration officials do not like to hear that...Personally I think that is the reason.
by juunbug25 rate this post as useful

Visa 2007/10/8 11:14
I would like to thank eveyone who posted reactions regarding my problem. By next month I will be applying for visa again, and I will keep all your suggestions as my guide. Thank you once again :)
by Valerie rate this post as useful

Possible reason 2007/10/14 01:14

I work for a completely different industry than immigration but I have learned that it is very common for Japanese organizatoins in general to not disclose the "real" reasons for their actions or decisions. So please do not be surprised.

On a different note, I have found a few (not all) Nihonjin have an inferiority complex towards Western countries. So because of that, they project their own insecurities onto other nations who are not as rich. Please remember this is NOT all. I have many kind and warm Japanee friends but because I am a non-white American, I have seen both sides. So please remember to be strong and not let negativity affect you. It's ironic because while many people complain about different ethinicites overstaying their VISA's here, if they only knew how many Nihonjin were doing the same thing or trying to do the same in America. Probably trying to run away from these same close minded people..
by American rate this post as useful

... 2008/5/25 23:06
Back to the original question. I hope Valerie will have a better luck on her 2nd visa application. Remember you need new evidence to show that you are a genuine visitor since your 1st application was doubtful and so denied. Many countries won't let you know the reason of refusal to prevent you from making things up. The immigration officer need to satisfy himself that you won't overstay. If you don't have sufficient fund, a good job, a family in the Philippines, I would say the chance of approval is slim.
by TW rate this post as useful

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