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What to wear during the winter season? 2007/10/4 22:34
Hi guys, I badly need different advice on what to wear during the winter season. I'm from South East Asia, and this is my family's first time to experience winter. I usually wear pants, shirt, and flip flops in Manila but I think that won't do with Japan's weather. Will simple cotton jackets do? Or I need to wear winter coats? Pls. Help, I don't have any idea on what to wear =( Thanks!
by Janina  

... 2007/10/5 12:29
Janina, exactly when you plan to visit Japan? When we say winter, it's from late November to early March and the coldest month is January and February.

Shirts & cotton jacket would be too thin/light for winter in Japan. I normally wear cotton shirt & wool pullover for indoors and extra thick jacket (or coat) for outdoors. It would be better to bring gloves & scarf. (Or you can buy them here)

If you cannot find winter clothes in Manila, (well, I think I saw some in the malls in Makati, like at Rockwell)try to wear layers of thin clothes. Though it is cold outside, it is generally very warm/hot once you go inside. (especially in trains)

by JLady (former Makati resident) rate this post as useful

huh 2007/10/5 16:34
This country has 4 seasons my azz!!! its middle of October and still hot like summer :( anyway, back to the q..yes it is cold from December so you'll need coats!
by 2 seasons rate this post as useful

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