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Aoto Station at night? 2007/10/16 17:03
Arriving Narita at night and need to take Keisei limited train to Kuramae. First have to get off at Aoto to then take the Asakusa line to Kuramae.Will there be problems recognising Aoto Station. Are there any display/announcements on Keisei train? Also to catch subway to Kuramae is it on same side of platform as get off or need to walk across to opposite side? What is the sign on subway train to Kuramae. Thanks for any help offered.
by waru  

... 2007/10/17 02:40
Whenever I take the Keisei Limited Express train from Narita to Ueno, it always stops at Aoto. It takes about one hour to get there from Narita. There will be announcement and display inside the train, telling you what the next stop will be. I never get out of Aoto station so I can't tell you more.
by TW rate this post as useful

Thanks for reply 2007/10/17 03:13
It is great to learn that Aoto will be displayed/announced on Keisei limited.
Hoping to get further help with identifying how to take subway to Kuramae.
by waru rate this post as useful

Getting to Kuramae 2007/10/17 03:55
Yes the train you take to get to Kuramae is in fact on the same track/platform as the Keisei line. All you need to when you get off the Keisei train is wait at the same platform. The train will initially be part of the Keisei Oshiage Line, but will turn into the Asakasa line when it goes underground. The Kuramae stop is around 20 mins away from Aoto station. I personally use this route when travelling to and from Narita and K's House hostel in Kuramae.
by Pete rate this post as useful

Thanks 2007/10/17 04:06
Can you confirm should stay on the same side of platform at Aoto?
Also what will the train to Kuramae have as signage -Keisei -oshiage or Asakusa line ?
Your help is appreciated- thanks
by waru rate this post as useful

. 2007/10/17 04:44

Trains on the Oshiage line continue running onto the Toei Asakusa Subway Line.

At Aoto station, it is a cross platform change, meaning you walk out the door of the train and walk across to the other side of the platform, 5 seconds really.

At Toei Asakusa Line Kuramae Station, trains in the direction of Oshiage go onto Aoto via Keisei Line.

An example: same platform, get off one train walk off to the other side to the other.


Most annoucnements are in Japanese on the Limited Express until you get closer to Tokyo when an automatic English annoucment comes on, but there are displays on the train that switch back and forth near the doors, also if you listen to the Japanese annoucment for AOTO, and when the train stops theres always signs outside, but I think AOTO is announced in english too.
by John rate this post as useful

. 2007/10/17 04:55
There are also signs right on the platform, eg (OSHIAGE LINE for OSHIAGE & Toei Asakusa and Keikyu Lines) or something similar.

Finally if you are ever in doubt, just ask someone at the station, trains from Aoto to Oshiage depart roughly every 5-7 minutes.
by John rate this post as useful

Replies -most helpful 2007/10/17 05:33
The replies have been very helpful. Getting to Kuramae by 10pm is the target so needed to get much info as possible. Good to know that the wait for the subway connection should not be long.
by waru rate this post as useful

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