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Can I bring NZ honey into Japan? 2007/10/17 14:20
Hi, I'm travelling to Japan in a few weeks and I would like to bring New Zealand food as gifts for my friend's family.
I was talking to someone in a New Zealand souvenir shop, who said that because of the fear of diseases of bees, some countries are not allowing honey to be brought in.
I was going to buy some good quality manuka honey, but I do not want to waste my money if it will just be taken off me at the airport.
Does anyone know the rules regarding this?
by Sam  

honey as souvenir 2007/10/17 20:14
Please see under the official publication:
by Peter rate this post as useful

NZ honey available 2007/10/17 21:34
New Zealand honey is available at my local CO-op supermarket here in Kobe. The NZ honey is the most expensive of th ehoneys available.
by Kobenosensei rate this post as useful

honey 2007/10/17 22:04
New Zealand honey can be bought here and I also bring some back to Japan every time I go home to New Zealand.

The Customs officers in Japan sometimes ask me to open my bag and then have a look through it, and they have never commented on the honey.
by Sira rate this post as useful

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