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Nov 22 - Dec 5 itinerary...too much? 2007/10/19 01:11
Hello everyone!

I will be arriving in Tokyo Nov 22nd and will be heading back Dec 5th. Here is my rough list of places I was going to see. Can you tell me if this seems feasible for the timeframe i have, and if there are places I should add/omit? Thanks!

Tokyo - 5 days
Kyoto - 1 day
Osaka - 2 day
Nara - 1 day
Beppu - 2-3 days
Tokyo - 2-3 days

I usually enjoy more of the city experience...food, bars, clubs, shopping, etc more than history/culture stuff, which is why I have so many days in tokyo. I really want to try the differents baths and relax, and it sounds like Beppu is the best spot.

Is this doable? any changes you suggest?
by Jud  

Kyoto 2007/10/19 21:15
Try to get at least two days in Kyoto.
by Breetai rate this post as useful

skip Nara 2007/10/19 22:09
If it were me, I would stay longer in the area Kyoto/Nara.

If you are not that much into culture, you at least may consider skipping Nara and staying another day in Kyoto instead. You will not nearly have time to do Kyoto in one or two days. Why travelling to Nara then? If you skipped Nara and stayed 2 days in Kyoto, it would make your itinerary smoother.
by bumblebee rate this post as useful

what's in kyoto? 2007/10/19 23:22
Well, i'm not 100% anti-culture lol...i just don't like to spend all my time looking at shrines and museums. But Nara has that giant Buddha, and then there's all the deer there... :D

What makes Kyoto worth 2 days stay? is it an interesting city?
by Jud rate this post as useful

Kyoto ?!! 2007/10/20 00:12
"What makes Kyoto worth 2 days stay? is it an interesting city?"
Are you joking -)))
Kyoto is THE tourist destination in Japan:

by bumblebee rate this post as useful

you have a lot of time 2007/10/20 03:22
You can experience different baths or onsen (hot springs) anywhere in Japan.
You don't need 2~3 days in Beppu but that's understandable. You can always stay in Kobe or venture out else where such as to northern Kyoto where hot springs (onsen) are a big thing there.
A quite a few areas of Kyoto can be seen in one day with a tour or tour taxi but it's limited sight seeing.
by cc rate this post as useful

kyoto onsen? 2007/10/23 04:07
are the onsen near kyoto as interesting as Beppu? I only chose Beppu because it sounded like *the* place to go if you wanted hot springs (and the hot sand bath too)

If I can get just as good of an experience without the 6 hour train ride, sign me up! :)
by Jud rate this post as useful

don't know if you can 2007/10/23 09:04
--------are the onsen near kyoto as interesting as Beppu? I only chose Beppu because it sounded like *the* place to go if you wanted hot springs (and the hot sand bath too)
If I can get just as good of an experience without the 6 hour train ride, sign me up! :)----------

As you know Kyoto stretches out to Sea of Japan if you look at its location on the map. There is a place called Tango (northern area from k- city) which is intersting place to tour but also in Hyogo prefecture, look up Yumura area for fun dipping in onsen outdoors. That whole (Yumura) area is all about onsen.
by cc rate this post as useful

... 2007/10/23 10:33
A 6 hour train ride can take you most of the way across the country and to some great onsen areas as far as Kusatsu and Hakone. Much closer to Kyoto would be Arima or Kinosaki.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

... 2007/10/23 10:42
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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