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Bicycle regn. - address change. 2007/11/21 11:19
I own a bicycle which I got registered while I bought it itself with the local police office, as per the rules. At that time, the procedure was done on our behalf by the shop assistant itself during the purchase.Now we are shifting our residence to a new place and I would like to know where I should go, to incorporate the new address in my regn. details. Should I go to the local police office? or can it be done in a kouban?

Thanx in advance..
by Sandhya  

re:Bicycle regn. - address change 2007/11/21 13:15
Hi Sandhya,

From my experience,I think perhaps maybe rules chages from province to province,but in most places you can bring your bike,500yen and show Jitensha Toroku Card registration to nearest bicycle shop in your new home area and they change it for you.

When you first bought bicycle,the shop must have given you any card no? If you don't have the card then don't worry just bring any ID that has your name and new address printed on and show to the shop owner.

Koban police do not process any of these,so you just might have to go to police office.

btw,this registration last 10 years and after that you must renew again.
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