
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Tomakomai to Mashu 2007/12/5 21:37
I am planning to arrive in Tomakomai by ferry on December the 23rd and would like to get into the Akan National Park directly. Do you know of any direct buses.. trains look a bit expensive. Would the roads between Tomakomai and Mashu be clear enough for an inexperienced snow-driver if I was to rent a car.
by Chrissy  

... 2007/12/6 08:27
There are no direct buses. You would have to travel via Sapporo.

Would the roads between Tomakomai and Mashu be clear enough for an inexperienced snow-driver if I was to rent a car.

It depends on how much snow has been falling in the days before your trip. There is a certain risk that parts of the journey will be along snow covered roads.
by Uji rate this post as useful

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