
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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buying futon in Osaka 2007/12/13 06:35
My fiance and I will be staying with a friend in Osaka for 4 weeks. I rented a room from this friend 5 years ago, and will be renting the room again. He is charging an absurdly low price though, so it doesn't really feel like I am renting a room so much as paying for utilities. (off topic: I am trying to convince him to take more money, is that rude?)

When I stayed with him last time he had two spare futons that were old and worn, so much so that I had to use them both to be comfortable. I think that I might need to buy futons this time so that my fiance and I can both be comfortable.

Where should I buy them? I need something cheap, but comfortable. It doesn't have to be durable as we will only use them for one month. I remember seeing them at Bic Camera in Shinsaibashi I think (or somewhere near Shinsaibashi), but there must be some other places.

And how do I get something that bulky home? I would assume the store could deliver, but I would need it the same day so that we could sleep that night.

(btw, the apartment is near Awaza station)
by Robyn  

Futon 2007/12/13 09:57
Hello, first, I don't think it is rude to offer more change to rent the apartment.

I think you can ask your friend to buy futon and have them delivered while he/she stayes at the apartment.
And you can suggest leaving the futon and throwing the old ones away.
This time your finance is staying too so I think you can simply tell the reason why you would like to buy new futon.
Probably he would tell you where you get futon near his house.
by crouton1 rate this post as useful

Futons 2007/12/13 17:14

Loft in Osaka Kita definitely sell futons. they are the typical Japanese ones i.e thin but I sleep well on them. they are sold in a solid plastic bag and relatively easy to carry in trains etc. I am pretty sure that Tokyu hands sell them too but am not positive.
by Sensei 2 rate this post as useful

order a good quality futon as a gift? 2007/12/15 09:47
I don't know if this fits your budget but I would suggest buying a really good quality futon during your visit as a token of appreciation. Custom ordered futons in the US start around USD$300, depending on fabric, bed size and type of batting. Wool batting is more expensive than poly fiberfill, for example. Or get a good quality mass produced one? Is this acceptable in Japan? This may be a gift he couldn't refuse?

Your friend and you sound like good friends. I'm sure your visit is more important to him than money. Enjoy your visit.
by nanshi rate this post as useful

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