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looking for domo-kun merch in Osaka 2007/12/13 15:49
can anyone help me find some
domo stuff in osaka..
I leave in a week and I would
really like to pick this
stuff up for me and my bro

by matty b  

domokun 2007/12/13 22:49
According to the site of NH‚j-ENTERPRISE, NHKfs goods are sold at these shops in Osaka.
–Hanshin-hyakkaten (Hanshin department store)
Umeda Kita district 06-6457-1010
–Station plaza Tennouji-ten Tennouji district 06-6776-0035
–Kidyland Osaka umeda-ten
Umeda(Hankyu-sanbangai) Kita district 06-6372-7701
But I am not sure there is Domokun merch, please confirm. If you canft speak Japanese, probably Hanshin department store has staffs of English conversation.

And you can buy it by online.
This is the site of NH‚j-ENTERPRISE
This is online shopping page (in Japanese)
by jtom rate this post as useful

addition 2007/12/13 23:58
The online shop sells only video, pillow, keychain, stuffed toy.
by ktom rate this post as useful

thank you! 2007/12/14 13:11
thanks, I will go there
today and look at the
hanshin department store.
if not, well then I will
have to order online..
Ill keep you posted as
to what is available at the
store..bearing in mind that
I can find it in that gargantuan building..ha!

by Matty B rate this post as useful

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