
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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can you translate this for me? 2007/12/18 05:39
kawai so...kodomo no koto janai desho anata no koto desho
by lost in translation  

I think it means 2007/12/18 11:47
I'm thinking it's along the lines of 'scary...I'm not a kid, you are

That's just a guesstamate though...
by Caro rate this post as useful

... 2007/12/18 11:51
kawaiso...kodomo no koto janai desho anata no koto desho

What a pity... it's not about the kid, it's about you.

To the earlier poster: "scary" would be "kowai," not "kawaisou." (Furthermore, "seems scary" would be "kowasou.")
by AK rate this post as useful

Totally 2007/12/18 11:52
Editing that first part of the last thought.
Instead of scary, I think it means pitiful.
by Caro rate this post as useful

. 2007/12/18 11:52
"kawai so...kodomo no koto janai desho anata no koto desho"

"Poor thing. It's not about the kid, it's about you."
by tokyonet rate this post as useful

thanks 2007/12/18 11:53
Even though I didn't get it right, atleast I learned something.
by Caro rate this post as useful

tnx 2007/12/19 02:46
hi everyone! thank u so much for the help....
by can you translate this for me? rate this post as useful

Kawai so 2007/12/19 14:19
Tokyonet got the Gold medal in translating.

To others, if you hear: "desho" at the end of a sentence, it is a question.
by Nice mom rate this post as useful

... 2007/12/19 16:09
Nice mom,
Sorry about the mixup. Your post was fine but was accidentally deleted. It's been fixed.
by admin rate this post as useful

... 2007/12/19 16:10
I believe "desho" doesn't necessarily signify a question. It translates to "isn't it" and is often used as a rhetorical question when making a statement.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

... 2007/12/19 17:52
I agree with yllwsmrf on the meaning of "desho" :)
by AK (Japanese) rate this post as useful

Yes 2007/12/19 22:02
Thanks to everyone, also adminisration.

Yes indeed, your are right, I just said as a further explanation to help beginners with the language. When you know the nuance of a daily conversation, as Tokyonet seems to know, because it was the best translation, -desho- could be used not only as a question but also as a statement and also in ironical expressions, Thanks.

by Nice mom rate this post as useful

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