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Hotel Landmark Umeda (Osaka): Review? 2007/12/26 11:31
Hello everyone.. I am looking for an affordable hotel near to Osaka JR station and saw this: http://hotel-landmarkumeda.jp/

Anyone stayed here before? Strangely... I couldn't find much reviews in English on this hotel.. appreciate if anyone has comments, reviews or real life photos.

Thanks loads!
by jnewbie  

Seems nice. 2007/12/26 14:48
It is probably because they don't have English web site? I found the hotel when I was looking for one for my family.
They stayed in another hotel, so I am not sure if it is a nice hotel, but review says it is nice.

If you are looking for hotel for English speaking people, I recommend rather big hotel like Shin Hankyu Hotel.
It is at Umeda station and has English speaking staff, though the rooms are small for room charge.
by crouton1 rate this post as useful

hotels 2007/12/26 17:56
for interesting hotels in various price range try www.japanhotel.net.
I don't speak japanese but I found that most business hotels have staff that manage with at least a bit of English. No need to waste money on hotels from international chains unless you can finaggle a really good deal.
by Sensei 2 rate this post as useful

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