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Summer language schools in tokyo? 2008/1/27 11:48
I'm currently a university student here in Canada, and I am seeking for a univsersity/college in Japan (around tokyo prefered)that offers summer language school/program for college/univesrity students aboard.

I know in Korea, they have a few program like this where you pay roughly $3000 for a 4 week course in learning the language and taking a few cultural classes. I have been googling around and i can't seem to find any similar programs in Japan.

If anyone has any links or even experience with a program similar to what i'm taking about,, please do post here!

by Eddy  

. 2008/1/27 12:23
While not in Tokyo, the Yamasa institute seems to get high reviews.

by John rate this post as useful

Ask your school 2008/1/29 10:42
You should go ask someone at your school about any exchange programs they might have. I know with the university that I go to they offer a program that allows students to study abroad for alot cheaper then a private exchange might cost.
by Rob rate this post as useful

. 2008/1/29 10:44
a quick google search and I found this program. Hope it helps!

by Max rate this post as useful

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