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Men putting make up 2008/1/28 01:02
Is it normal for guys in japan to use make up? Do most japanese guys do so? Im wondering for men age between 20 - 30. To what extend do to their face?

Hope someone is able to advise. Thank u!!
by Lynn  

... 2008/1/28 09:16
Besides entertainers and cross-dressers, it is not common for men to wear make-up in Japan.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Looks like plenty do to me.... 2008/2/5 11:57
I am visiting in Tokyo. Make up seem to be very common on the young men working in my hotel. Very fashionable guys...kind of a gothic look...great hair...a little startling as first but fun.
by Denise rate this post as useful

It's not mainstream 2008/2/5 15:05
That is a particular subculture. In mainstream culture, eg. people with ordinary office jobs or blue collar jobs, men don't wear make-up. It would be totally unacceptable for a male school teacher or train driver for example to wear any kind of visible make-up.

My Japanese husband says he wouldn't wear make-up if you paid him to, and he is not especially conservative.
by Sira rate this post as useful

. 2008/2/5 15:11
I agree, that is definitely not the mainstream in Japan. Most men don't wear make up.

Can I inquire what hotel would that be? I've stayed at many hotels in Japan, haven't seen any staff the way you described.
by John rate this post as useful

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