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Travel in north of Japan in the summer 2008/2/23 08:39
I will travel in north of Honshu from 15/7 to 30/8 2008.

Is it to hot at that time of year even if you travel north?

I will start att Niigata and then travel north along the west coast.

by Johan  

Best direction in July and August 2008/2/25 09:30
The only problems in July and August are sometimes the typhoons that blow through, canceling trains and ferries. If you're going to be in Japan during these months, the north is the best place to be. Even the Japanese head that direction, especially in August, so make hotel reservations before you get to places like Aomori or Hakodate.
by Anaguma rate this post as useful

... 2008/2/27 13:43
Is it too hot at that time of year even if you travel north?

I don't think it ever gets too hot to travel anywhere in Japan. But especially Hokkaido and northern Tohoku and the higher elevations don't get too unpleasantly hot even during summer.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Tohoku in summer 2008/2/27 15:31
Two years ago I did a little summer trip in Tohoku and I can say that certainly, that year, it was hot in August. Air conditioning on in the car. Good beach weather. Too hot for much hiking.
by Spendthrift rate this post as useful

... 2008/2/28 11:24
Agree with Spenddrift. I took a trip 4 years ago to Hokkaido Furano for biking on 4 Aug. I got sun burn and it was scorching hot. And a week later, I arrived at Tokyo and it was extremely hot too. However, they were the two occasions that I remember was so hot, the rest of the trip was just fine. So I guess, you don't have to worry too much about the heat.
by lester rate this post as useful

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