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Maid Cafes that hire a caucasian girl? 2008/2/24 12:30
I'm moving to Japan soon (eeeeeeee! =D) and as a part time or full time job, I'd like to apply to a Maid CafE I was wondering if anyone knows of any Cafés in particular that would accept a non-japanese girl. Or, if anyone knew it would be acceptable at all if I applied.
thanks for readin' ~
by mandy  

Maid cafe 2008/2/25 09:33

I don't think there is any reason to think that a non-Japanese person would have problems getting a job - provided they speak fluent Japanese and have a visa that allows work in such a place. If you are expecting a maid cafe to sponsor you for a work visa, then you might want rethink your plans.
by Dave in Saitama rate this post as useful

thanks! 2008/3/3 00:39
thanks dave!
by mandy rate this post as useful

Maid Cafe 2008/3/3 10:50
From what I know, maid Cafe's are mainly for Otaku, and isn't the most preferred place to work. But I haven't personally been to one, I've just seen it on t.v

But anyways, I think you would have a good chance working at a Maid cafe if your Caucasian. can't really say why, I just think you would have a good chance.

Good Luck!
by Aaron rate this post as useful

Try here 2008/3/4 19:04
MIA Cafe is looking for people. I have no idea how old the page is tho...

*Woman aged 16-29
*Must be able to speak Japanese a little.
*Must have a Japanese skill to understand our Japanese labor conditions page.
*Must have respect to Japanese Otaku culture and team play.

by Dave rate this post as useful

^^ 2009/9/29 05:11
I'M really interested to do that too..But I think they don't want foreigners or they can speak japanese. and the mia cafe is very old
by gariben0 rate this post as useful

visa? 2009/9/29 07:00
What visa are you coming under? If it's a working holiday or student visa and your Japanese is good (including cutesy-polite maid speech- they don't always speak standard Japanese in order to be more "moe") you can do it. However, I've heard from my friends who have worked in maid cafes they're not really that fun- long hours, creepy customers, sometimes very strict rules about your maid "persona" that stretch even into your off-time, possibility of stalkers, etc. Plus the pay is very low- if you're coming to work and are from an english speaking country you'll make 3-4x as much teaching English, even if it's less fun.
by Vita (guest) rate this post as useful

maid cafe that is looking for foreigners 2010/1/18 07:21
Go to Maid In Angels Cafe's English website they accept applications from Foreigners and at the cafe they speak partial English so it should be a little easier there. :3
by otaku-hime (guest) rate this post as useful

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