
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Note that this thread has not been updated in a long time, and its content might not be up-to-date anymore.

Temperature rising in Hokkaido 2008/3/10 15:34

I notice that the temperature in Sapporo, and other areas in Hokkaido has shot up to around 10c for sat until today (mon). This has never happen in the past and I'm pretty concern as I'm travelling to Hokkaido in late Apr. My plan is to land at Kushiro and leave through Hakodate in early May to be in time for the Cherry Blossom. Seems like I might have to change my plan if this continues. I have already confirm my domestic flights with ANA but pending payment.

Has this happen before where the temperature at this time of the year

Your views and advice will be greatly appreciated.

Btw, I'm using www.wunderground.com to view the current weather conditions

Thank you!
by kenopps  

... 2008/3/10 22:45
What temperature would you like it to be?

I'm sure it was this warm back in the 30s. However, you won't find that info on weatherunderground.

Have you heard of the Urban Heat Island Effect? I wouldn't use Sapporo as a guide to temperature on Hokkaido, as the population is well over 1.2 million.
by Paul rate this post as useful

missed the point ? 2008/3/10 23:31

I think Kenopps point is, if it warms up earlier this year than he thinks normal will the Cherry trees blossom earlier therefore messing up his plans to see them in early May.
by marsatmach rate this post as useful

Missing the point 2008/3/11 02:16
A few warm days do not make a trend. For instance, last week in a similar climate to that of Sapporo (Denver), Saturday the temperature was 70 deg F, I was in a t-shirt and life was fabulous!! I woke up on Sunday to a snowstorm with temperatures in the upper 20s (F). IOW, I wouldn't cancel a trip over a few days of warm weather.
by Paul rate this post as useful

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