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Black hair treatment products in Tokyo
2008/3/16 22:02
I'm planning to go and stay more than one year in Japan but I have some trouble with my hair and I use some anti-breakage products.I don't know if I will find them in Japan (SoftSheen Carson products). So please,does somebody know if I can find them in Japan or other similar and good products ?
I've got an other question about the price : How much do you think it will cost me for having my hair relaxed every two months and doing some care treatments every to weeks at a black hair stylist ( I try to know it to build my budget before coming ) Thanks for any information Amy
by Amy
As I've never seen this product before, I googled it. As far as my research goes, SoftSheen Carson products are not sold in Japan.
Hair relaxing is "Shukumo Kyosei" in Japanese. Cost varies from 15,000-30,000 yen depending on salons.
by JLady
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Black hair products
2008/5/27 12:16
I know the beauty salon in Roppongi, Room806. They have a some products for black hair. They also doing relaxer and some more black hair styles. 03-5545-4325
by Rei
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hair forum
2008/8/7 23:36
Before you go to japan a good place to go is It is a website for black women's hair. There are at least 100 members there who currently live in Japan. They talk about which Japanese products they use as well as where to buy some relaxers. Join today!!
by M. Neko
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