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Flights from Tokyo to India ? 2008/3/19 09:55
What's the cheapest way to get to India from Tokyo ? How much is the cheapest one way ticket from Tokyo to any Indian city ?
by Greg  

. 2008/3/20 04:42
by optimistk rate this post as useful

India 2008/3/20 08:57
I travel to India fairly often, and fares vary widely depending on the time of the year. You might get a flight to Delhi or Mumbai with Air India for 60,000 yen or so base fare, but there would be at least 20,000 added to that for fuel surcharge and insurance.

The travel agency mentioned above is a good place to start, and you could also just Google "Japan travel agencies" and start calling the agencies that come up for quotes. I find prices aren't that different between one discount agency and another
by Sira rate this post as useful

Airfare to India 2008/10/20 20:31
For best airfare to India, contact INDIA TRAVEL BUREAU TOKYO OFFICE. For info, visit www.indiatravelbureau.co.in. They provide free AIRPORT TRANSFER in india for all airports.
by Raj rate this post as useful

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