Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Nagoya to Kyoto 2008/3/23 15:56
In April, I'll be going to Japan for the 1st time. my destination is Nagoya and i'll be there for a week. but i'm thinking of cutting the vacation and go to Kyoto.

is a JR Rail Pass recommended?

and I'm still very confused with reserved vs nonreserved seats. i mean, beside from the obvious difference, how am I to reserve a seat? shall i do it while i'm still overseas,or do i do it when i arrived in japan?
by jj  

Re: Nagoya to Kyoto 2008/3/25 11:22

I guess the first question we all have is why Nagoya. To use a US comparison, it is like visiting Kansas City as a sample of the U.S. Nice enough city but for a first time visitor, why?

Anyways, if your travel is only between Nagoya and Kyoto, single tickets come cheaper than a pass. Reserved seats can be made at most JR stations and can not be made online.

Please see

And yes, whatever you do, please see other parts of Japan besides Nagoya.


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reply 2008/3/25 11:37
thanks George for the answer. i guess i'll just have to buy the tickets there.

btw, Nagoya is the destination cause i'm attending a concert. i just realized that i shouldn't stay there all throughout so i plan to go to kyoto after the 2-day concert. again, thanks for the answer.
by JJ rate this post as useful

Himeji 2008/3/29 00:32
if you are going to kyoto, might as well consider Himeji as well, abt 1hr journey. Beautiful original castle. abt 10min walk fr Himeji stn. dun miss it.
by chua mary rate this post as useful

It's easy 2008/5/18 21:49
I have travelled several times on the Shinkansen (bullet train) from Nagoya to Kyoto. On the Shinkansen Hikari it takes just 37 minutes and costs Y2520 each way for an unbooked seat. Except in the peak hour, there is no need to pay for a reserved seat.
by Peter rate this post as useful

LUCKY PERSON 2008/5/18 22:37
You are luckier than other 1st-time tourists to fly into the aiport in Nagoya, which is the newest and the most convenient amoung 3 major international airport of Japan!!

Please see this page when deciding what to view in Japan
by Ts rate this post as useful

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