
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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What's her name? 2008/4/4 16:08
So, this girl appeared last year on a weekly TV show several times. The TV show was about young japanese high school students who dated in a school. There were about 5 girls, 5 boys and they selected who they wanted to date with (like champalino). They exchanged emails and sometimes they started a relation.

She also had a comercial on TV dressing like a bee or hornet. The comercial was for an energy drink (i guess).

Anyway I don't know how to classify her, maybe like TV talento? She is nor an idol nor a comedian.

What's her name?
by Rakuda  

name 2008/4/5 16:41
The girl is Chinatsu Wakatsuki?


As you said, she can be classified as 'TV talento' now but she initially earned the popularity as a gravure idol.

by mm rate this post as useful

Thanks! 2008/4/6 17:52
Yes, that is her!
Thank you again.
by Rakuda rate this post as useful

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