Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Mikimoto pearls 2008/4/11 21:55
I will be traveling to Japan in May and my friend was interesting in purchasing Mikimoto pearls. My question is would these pearls be much cheaper in Japan vs purchasing them outside Japan and having them shipped?
by Kent  

Toba 2008/4/13 12:50
Mikimoto is a brand name so they are more expensive than privately owned shops. If you are interested in pearls you should go to Toba and Take a tour of Mikimoto.

Then you can purchase your pearls at one of the many pearl shops on the main street where you can bargain prices.
by Jupiter Rising rate this post as useful

could you... 2008/4/14 01:49
...please tell me how to get to Toba? I LOVE Mikimoto design and it'd be great to take a tour next time I'm in Japan! Thank you very much in advance.
by Flying Diva rate this post as useful

ginza 2008/4/14 07:53
mikimoto has a nice showroom on the main drag in ginza.
by joseph rate this post as useful

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