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where to find second hand phone store? 2008/4/12 01:29
Where can i find a good second hand store in tokyo? Would prefer a big store , better if in akihabara
by Janet Wilkinsgers  

Re: second hand phone store? 2008/4/12 16:00
by Kappa rate this post as useful

re: second hand phone store? 2008/4/12 16:02
sorry, too early, I read 'photo' instead of 'phone.' My bad. ^_^;;
by Kappa rate this post as useful

. 2008/4/13 18:25
Secondhand mobile phones are not commom in Japan because brand-new phones are (at least, were) so reasonable.

Why do you want secondhand phone?
by meringue4 rate this post as useful

RE:To meringue4 2008/4/14 05:31
Cause i don't live in Japan ,and I will visit japan within months, so I was looking forward to buy a phone there .
by Janet Wilkinsgers rate this post as useful

do they exist? 2008/4/14 09:35
Have you heard that they actually exist? I have never heard of a second hand mobile phone store in Japan, I doubt there is much of a market for them.

As a visitor you will probably only be able to rent one as well, you need an alien registration card (not given to people on tourist visas) even to get a prepaid phone these days, let alone a contract.
by Sira rate this post as useful

Re: 2008/4/20 05:12
I saw on a site, that they exist, and that they are hidden in streets of akihabara,and if somebody knows any shop or little store in those buildings in akihabara , please tell me, i'll be very thankful.
by Janet Wilkinsgers rate this post as useful

working? 2008/4/20 08:49
This phone you want, if it's second hand, it's likely to be old, so a non 3G phone. Any of the earlier phones will not work outside of Japan....
So what do you want this phone for?
If it's just for show, then you can get older "mock up" phones(the ones they use fir try outs in shops that don't actually work) in Akihabara's back streets for between 100-300 yen.
by Sandy rate this post as useful

. 2008/4/24 02:17
Cause i don't live in Japan ,and I will visit japan within months, so I was looking forward to buy a phone there .

If you want to use that phone in your country, it's next to impossible unless you have enough knowledge. Almost all Japanese phones are strictly locked and don't accept your local SIM.
by meringue4 rate this post as useful

Re: 2008/4/29 10:24
Actually I'm not really looking for 2nd hand phones, but actually I'm looking for a phones that don't have a subscription plan included, I'm really looking for newer phones that I don't need a alien card to buy them.
by Janet Wilkinsgers rate this post as useful

. 2008/5/1 05:54
I found some secondhand phone shops. All in Shinjuku area. (online order required)
by meringue4 rate this post as useful

Mobile phone 2008/5/1 07:43

I'm looking for a phones that don't have a subscription plan included, I'm really looking for newer phones that I don't need a alien card to buy them.

As far as I know, it is not possible for non-Japanese to buy a mobile phone in Japan without an alien registration card.
by Dave in Saitama rate this post as useful

how to phone in japan 2008/7/13 18:26
i'm in Japan since almost two weeks and searching desperately for an opportunity to be able to phone. International public phones have to be searched for which is time consuming. Buying a mobile phone is almost impossible. As tourist for three months one should at least be able to use a mobile, somehow. Don`t really understand what Japanese are scared of, after everybody has to get his|her fingerprints scanned. Never in my life I`ve missed India more. You can call from everywhere, where there is a PCO without having to about what kind of phone card to use and as a tourist you can also buy a mobile. It is not that bad after all!
by nirwana08 rate this post as useful

Mobile phones 2008/7/13 19:16

As tourist for three months one should at least be able to use a mobile, somehow.

As a tourist, you can rent a mobile phone easily. If you are in Japan for more than just a few weeks, you can get an alien registration card from your local city hall, which will let you buy a mobile phone (prepaid or otherwise). If you read the replies by people in other similar threads, you'll know that it is sometimes even possible to get a phone just using your passport as proof of address.

Don`t really understand what Japanese are scared of, after everybody has to get his|her fingerprints scanned.

The Japanese are scared of untraceable mobile phones being used for criminal activities, which I think is entirely reasonable. The law is not really intended to discriminate against foreigners per se; it just requires that all users provide proof of an address in Japan.
by Dave in Saitama rate this post as useful

phones in Japan 2008/7/13 19:52
Thanks a lot Dave in SAitama for information. Great Help!
by nirwana08 rate this post as useful

Cheers Dave 2008/8/18 20:16
Cheers Dave. I checked the bottom link and went and got a phone today. I couldn't get a new phone, because I had lost two within six months. So anyway I went there got a 5mpixel phone camera for 11,000 yen. Not too bad, bout a year old. They didn't ask for any I.D. and well really nice. It's a bit tough to find, but I was with someone japanese which was good.

I also recommend using Yahoo auction if you have a credit card etc.

by Trent rate this post as useful

Cheers Meringue 2008/8/18 20:19
that was a reply to Meringue--Thanks

I found some secondhand phone shops. All in Shinjuku area. (online order required)

by meringue4
by Trent rate this post as useful

thanks meringue 2008/8/19 20:28
Thanks for info...
by mira08 rate this post as useful

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