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How much to know? 2008/4/17 03:15
I am thinking about going to Japan next year to visit my friend (she's Japanese) who lives in Kyoto and was wondering how much Japanese should I know?

I only know a few conversational pieces, such as ''Hello'', ''How are you?'', etc. I also know how to count up to 999..haha. I am, though, teaching myself Japanese but haven't got quite far as to get into complex conversations or read the language. Any help or info would be great.
by Rachel  

it depends 2008/4/18 11:00
on how long you plan to stay there. If it's less than a month than don't worry too much. I'm guessing your friend can speak English so he/she will be there to help you out and be your guide.
If it's more than a month then learning some simple grammar structure and vocab would be best.
by Miyuki rate this post as useful

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