
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Unlock Sharp 902SH 2008/4/18 14:49
I'am leaving Japan next month and would like to use my mobile in Europe also. I have used this mobile already three years in Japan.
How to unlock it? Does Softbank unlock mobiles in such cases?
by Rakuda  

. 2008/4/24 02:19
Read this for latest unlock information.

Japanese operators never unlock your phone.
by meringue4 rate this post as useful

Yes 2008/4/24 11:53
I just recived the answear from Softbank. They don't unlock phones. Why is that? I mean this phone is three years old! I paid for it, it's mine and I want to keep using it. It's sad that mobil companies push you to buy another mobile or to look for unlock alternatives.
By the way, is it legal to unlock your own phone for personal use?
by Rakuda rate this post as useful

... 2008/4/24 13:18
I just recived the answear from Softbank. They don't unlock phones. Why is that?

Most companies usually sell the phone to you at a discounted price and then make it back during your contract. They don't unlock phones to prevent you from getting a subsidized phone and then switching services.

I mean this phone is three years old! I paid for it, it's mine and I want to keep using it. It's sad that mobil companies push you to buy another mobile or to look for unlock alternatives.

This is an argument with no nice solution. Its like the end user agreement with computer software. If you don't like the terms that they sold it to you under then don't buy the product.

By the way, is it legal to unlock your own phone for personal use?

Depends on where you live.

Anyway, you wouldn't want to unlock Japanese phones for use on foreign markets for many technical reasons. The biggest is that they are hardwired for some services that only work in Japan. If you get it to work on a foreign network you will likely lose a great deal of functionality.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

I see... 2008/4/24 15:25
ok, I agree. Anyway at least in my case the telephone was fully paid after three years of use.

However if the contract says so, there is nothing we can do about it. THANKS!
by Rakuda rate this post as useful

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