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some information about the trip 2008/4/24 11:43
I'm a steam loco enthusiast,and I want to have a five or sin days trip in Japan.What I want to know is where can I get to see the loco except the National Railway Museum ?
by steam loco trip  

Steam 2008/4/24 18:13
A more explanatory title would have helped...

If you are (or plan to be) based in Tokyo, you can sample steam haulage on the Mooka Railway, Chichibu Railway (Paleo Express), and Oigawa Railway, which are all easily accessible from Tokyo. JR runs frequent steam excursions in the Takasaki and Niigata areas, but these are not so regular, so if you post your planned visit dates, I or someone else here can probably let you know what is running where.
If you are just happy seeing static locos on display, check out the Ome Rail Park, Usui Pass Heritage Park (Yokokawa), and Umekoji Museum (Kyoto), amongst others.
by Dave in Saitama rate this post as useful

steam train 2008/4/24 18:20
THANKS TO GOOGLE: part of an article at http://uchimizu-en.blogspot.com/2008/03/trains-from-bygone-a... "we will go to a railway trip in Oigawa (大井川) valley in Shizuoka (静岡) prefecture, midway between Tokyo (東京) and Nagoya (名古屋). please read about it. very interesting.
by Monkey see rate this post as useful

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