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IT Recruitment Jobs in Tokyo 2008/4/25 00:11

I'm an experienced IT Recruiter in London (over 10 years experience) and looking to move to Tokyo. I don't have a degree but do have a Japanese wife.

I was wondering if anyone here has experience of the IT recruitment market in Tokyo and knows how hard or easy it is for westerners to get jobs in it. I do not speak Japanese.

Thanks in adavnce
by James  

Own Business ? 2008/5/28 06:50
Surely the best option for somebody like you would be to see how easy it would be for you to open your own business over there since you automatically qualify for residency anyway and there are a lot of Western employers and potential employees who I'm sure would be interested in a service like that, myself included. :)
by DigitalGhost rate this post as useful

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