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Can I go Himeji and Todaiji same day? 2008/4/26 22:55
I just wondering whether can I visit both two places Himeji Castle and Todaiji Temple in Nara within same day? I will stay in Kyoto and I am with my parents. Thanks!
by sawana sook  

... 2008/4/27 11:41
Yes, it is possible. Approximate travel times:

Kyoto - Himeji: 90 minutes
Himeji - Nara: 90 minutes
Nara - Kyoto: 60 minutes
by Uji rate this post as useful

.. 2008/4/27 11:46
As Uji san says, technically yes but you will miss some of the most significant historic monuments in Nara...

by Ts rate this post as useful

. 2008/4/30 02:36
Yes, but you will miss a lot of Nara. If you are only interested in seeing Todaiji, then sure you can do it.. might be a little tight, but it is doable as long as you start early in the morning. There are a few other things worth seeing in Nara, but I can't think of anything that beats Himeji Castle! I would give yourself at least 3 hours for Himeji; you might could do it in less time but I think 3 is best.
by Robyn rate this post as useful

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