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Lockers in the train stations in Nikko? 2008/4/30 16:26
Does anyone know if there are lockers or places to store luggage when arriving in Nikko? We are arriving with luggage and would like to store it somewher to see sights in Nikko then go on to our hotel near the lake. Thank you in advance for your help.
by love2trvl  

Nikko coin-lockers 2008/5/1 21:54
There are indeed coin lockers (400 yen) at Tobu-Nikko train station, right next to the gents to the right hand side of the station - behind the convenience shop - as you come out of the gate.

Myself and my girl-friend spent 3 days in Nikko this week and used the coin-lockers extensively.
by putonghua73 rate this post as useful

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