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Do Canadians need a tourist visa? 2008/4/30 21:57
I am current living in Toronto as a Canadian citizen and I plan to visit Japan this summer (July) for a family tour.

Do I need to go the the Japanese consulate to fill out an application for a tourist visa if I am a Canadian citizen and have a Canadian passport?
by Jackson  

. 2008/5/1 11:06
No Canadian Passport Holders are under the visa waiver program, you can visit as a temporary visitor for 90 days without a visa.
by John rate this post as useful

At the airport 2008/5/1 12:39
If you want a 90 day Tourist Visa then you get it at in airport in Japan.

You need to go to the Japanese embassy for Visas like Work or Marriage.
by Jupiter Rising rate this post as useful

VISA 2008/5/1 15:52
what the previous poster meant to say is that, as a Canadian citizen(it is the same with citizens of a slew of other countries) you will automatically get a visitor visa (90 days in your case) as you go through the immigration at the airport.Part of this visa is a card stapled in your passport. you will fill it up and the immigration will take it back as you leave. IF you wanted to work or to study etc. then you can't do it as a tourist and must get a special visa at the Japanese embassy in Canada
by Sensei 2 rate this post as useful

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